

Recognising that mining operations together with everything we do in our day-to-day activities impact on the natural environment, and that climate change is one of the challenges facing our global populations, Emerald has a number of programs to actively mitigate our activities.

Emerald’s commitment to carbon neutral operations in Cambodia has been reaffirmed by our decision to accrue funds annually to fund future programs directed at a carbon neutral footprint within achievable time frames.

The amount accrued is determined by the emissions reported for the Okvau Gold Mine and is based on the project specific determined carbon pricing for the period recommended by independent environmental consultants Earth Systems Consulting Pty Ltd. For 2023-24 based on projected emissions for 71,098 tonnes CO₂ at US$4.50 per tonne US$320,000 has been provided for projects. This funding will continue as we aim to offset the estimated long-term average of ~60,000 tonnes CO₂ emitted each year by current operations.

This is in addition to our ongoing commitment to environmental excellence.

Our decision to set aside funds to progress carbon neutrality follows a review of a range of commercial schemes available on the market by Earth Systems who have extensive experience in South-East Asia and were the environmental consultants engaged to oversee Okvau Gold Mine’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.

Rather than commit to commercial schemes, Emerald strongly believes that provisioning funds for activities that will support the Company’s climate strategy, including carbon neutrality targets and pathways will best suit our commitment to long-term sustainability and deliver the best tangible outcomes.

Emerald is focusing on nature-based activities for our carbon offset concept including habitat protection, creation, and biodiversity enhancement. Our intent is to implement a nature-based carbon offset project that complements our existing projects, such as our Biodiversity Offset. 

Emerald is working with the Cambodian Government to identify suitable project locations to progress our carbon offset concept. 

Protecting endangered gibbons in Mondulkiri

Emerald’s ongoing nature-based activities include a collaborative venture with Jahoo, a gibbon ecotourism and conservation research venture, working to protect endangered gibbons.

Reinstating Native Jungle - Beng Tree Planting Program

Since 2018 more than 10,500 trees have been planted, the majority in the Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary. Our 2023 Beng tree planting saw 3352 trees added to our biodiversity sites.