
Australian Gold Projects

Emerald’s Australian operations is focused on the Dingo Range Gold Project’s tenements, in the Dingo Range greenstone belt.

Exploration at the Dingo Range Gold Project has clearly demonstrated the potential of this largely underexplored area. In December 2024 the Company released the Project’s maiden gold resource of 28.0Mt @ 1.13g/t Au for 1.01Moz paving the way for the Project to be Emerald’s first stand-alone mining and processing operation in Australia. Emerald is undertaking further drilling in advance of an investment decision and commencement of development in 2025.

Dingo Range Gold Project

Our Dingo Range Gold Project consists of 39 exploration licences (including seven applications) and four mining licences covering the majority of the Dingo Range greenstone belt with more than 800km² of tenure and has the potential to host multiple standalone deposits or satellite deposits to supply additional ore to a central mill. This includes the gold mineralised prospects of Boundary, Neptune, Stirling, Hurleys and Bungarra extending over 6.4km of prospective greenstone belt.

Historical exploration drilling before Emerald took ownership, focused on the Boundary-Bungarra trend and only tested to ~110m vertical depth (average). Drilling totalling 84,110m (80,835m RC and 3,275m diamond) completed since 2014 including 34,976m by various previous tenement holders (28,108m RC, 3,865m diamond, 432m AC and 2,571m RAB).

Emerald recently commenced a drill program to infill the existing areas of known mineralisation and extending a significant portion of the mineralisation at Boundary, Stirling, Neptune and Hurleys Prospects both along strike and to a ~200-250m vertical depth. To date, the Company has completed 1,287 collars (154,595m) on both the resource definition drilling and drill targeting of regional geochemical, geophysical and existing drill targets and successfully identified three new gold prospects, Freeman’s Find, Great Northern and Banjawarn.

Recently returned results are from the late 2024 RC and diamond drilling program targeting the Boundary and Neptune Prospects include:

  • 19.0m @ 2.59g/t Au from 75.0m (RC24NPT132);
  • 2.0m @ 15.09g/t Au from 15.0m (RC24FMF030);
  • 5.7m @ 4.50g/t Au from 99.0m (RCDD22NPT030);
  • 6.0m @ 3.90g/t Au from 96.0m (RC24FMF024);
  • 22.0m @ 1.03g/t Au from 105.0m (RC24NPT126);
  • 1.0m @ 21.00g/t Au from 8.0m (RC24HUR077); and
  • 6.0m @ 2.74g/t Au from 112.0m (RC24HUR083).


Dingo Range Gold Project – Tenement Map with the prospect locations

Emerald Resources –